Saturday, February 21, 2009

This is


Firstly,ADam memberitahuku, ade org dlm band aku msk mase audition NWnC x puas ati ngan band die.
haa? siape?
Siape buat cerita ni?
Pelik aku..ade gak makhluk jarum celaka di mana2...
X pasal2 ade org down..aku nk tau la siape buat cerita ni..

Secondly,yea,ade orang still x percaya aku masih x pernah bergf..
pas2 kate aku ni betul ke straight la, dan sewaktu ngan nya..
waduh, apekah reasonnye? bgtau sket knape org x percaya aku..

4 the record, Aku straight...
Jadi Kaum Lut? pegi mampos...hina tu.

WEll,life goes on...
aku chill je,
tho makhluk2 jarum ini perlu dihapuskan sama sekali..
parasit2 oo parasit


zAhIR@h said...

LOLOLOL. makhluk jarum! ok is that suppose to be the male version of mami jarum? hahaha.

and doode, a lot of other people haven't been in a romantic relationship before. and trust me, u tak rugi apa2. baek u fall in love with one girl, and kawen dia terus. having ur heart crushed multiple times is....not fun at all.

What's luv gotta do ? said...

kat mana mama pun ada je jarum ni tau... Kat down under ni pun banyak gak..

Zahir@h is right.. ;)