Wednesday, February 18, 2009


If u'r a lil veteran and have some better skills than others, be cool, don't create others like trash, and feel like ur cool doing so.

besides that, if u have a seating or a higher status, be cool,

Just because a person is different u judge him differently, well, sometimes that's just fucked up,

What else....

no idea.,.

WEll,we're humans...we make mistakes...its some ayat2 meraban...hahhaa


Izmil said...


aku ni bukannya apa.

tapi disebabkan aku tua.

aku nak tanya..

"If u'r a lil veteran and have some better skills than others"

aku ke yg ko maksudkan veteran ni?

terasa dowh...

paan said...

bukan ko la..

coz ade la at times aku pissed off ngan orang2 yg berumur sket yg sker pandang rendah orang muda.

It's like, orang 2 fikir die bagus sangat..sumting like dat..

xde kene mengene ngan ko or sesape yg lain aite?