Tuesday, July 29, 2008


i may not be the most religious person in the world,
but, there;s a point i like 2 prove...

when we say we are going to the surau to pray,
ppl will say,

"pergh,ko ni baik sial!!"

or even if we tell sumbody we want to pray,

ppl still go
"ko ni mmg baik sialll" or "fuyyooo"

for god's sake,
SEMBAHYANG tu WAJIB la bongok!!!!!
xde maknenye nk baik ke jahat....
forgive me for my tardiness, aku pon jahil gak kekadang.....

between cicak and insects

ari 2 aku ade sembang ngan member aku,

basicaly,ia simple je,psl cicakman and spiderman, dan relevanciesnya...

maka,rancak2 bersembang, maka die ade ckp,berdasarkan pendapat sorang pakcik tua ni,

cicak lah binatang yg almost sebabkan nabi muhammad S.A.W nk kene bunuh dgn kafir laknat..
tapi,kite warga malaysia, sanjung sangat2 cicakman...dah le kurus kering,baju pon hodoh.perangai pn irritating....etc.

cube tgk org putih,amik spiderman,based on binatang yg selamatkan rasulullah tu...
adey,dah le costume pn gempak....power pn better....

well, think about it...just giving a thought

it's not about being conservative ye,haha,,
tapi best gak kalau ade Dhobman(cicak kt padang pasir)hahahaha

Monday, July 28, 2008

Typical Uitm stereotype malay thought

i met a friend,a very ooold one,
back when i was in std. 3,
we chatted,
he asked where i was studying,
i said Uitm,
straightforwardly he said,
"haaa jangan aku dapat tangkap gambar ko tgh main",
it's a joke though,
well, i replied back, "tak mungkin la, jangan harap"hahaa,
well insistedly he goes on and on with the topic claiming he got friends doing this
"skodeng" thingy...it become no more of a joke

u dickhead!! when u see Uitm all u think is pl fucking around??
aeyy, open ur eyes, mase aku kat UM pon berlambak je kes...
cume pasal Uitm tpt melayu,2 jadi fokus.....ye ar 2, tempat melayu..

well,as shitty as uitm can be, it still is where i'm gonna obtain my degree(insya-Allah)
not like u dickhead mo-fos.....
well,think about it u lame malays,,,,


aku x emo ek,hahaha

what is

in malay,ppl call it tahi hidung...
if translated..daaang, should it be

nose shit,nose faeces,nose waste, nose dung, nose crap,

or could be said, the nose is defecating,shitting..hahahhahaa,,

well,what about the eyes....

eyeshit,eye faeces, eye waste,eye dung,eye crap...

omg,the eye is defecating,shitting,...

adey.....some things are not meant to be translated at all......

Friday, July 25, 2008

Thursday, July 24, 2008


High and fly,
our dreams come by,
unlike a pig sty,
where i see flies,

of all lies,
intoxicate the skies,
full of alibies,
which goes all i buy,

if truth is a labor,
are lies a minimum wage?,
contemplating souls of thy,
on a one way street,

In a tale called truth,
Its just a dew,
none make sense,
fabricated, we go.

Monday, July 21, 2008

red panda

ia benar.hahhaha
bukan fantasi semata2...hahaa

Di kelas admin

pada petang yg aman di kelas ganja,
Pak Berahim bercerita,
dari subsidiary legislation,
die ntah ke mana,
bermula dengan tongking ayam(btol ke ejaan),
mengatakan sesiapa yg memakannya bercakap banyak,
seperti juga "bende" itu tgh exercise,

kemudian ditambah pula dengan teksi,
teksi buasir la pulak,
di mana die meng-describe atas teksi tu macam ade buasir,
di KLIA,hahhaa,

Tidak cukup dengan itu,
kite mengembara ke kedah pule,
di mana,
aku terdengar buah yang paling tah-pape,
arakian buah itu bernama,
buah k*** mamak,

tidak cukup dengan itu,
masuk pula ke alam sekitar,
di mana,jika udara berkualiti tinggi,
maka tahi hidung kita warna putih,
kerana mengikut pengalaman pak berahim,
die pernah naik bas yg sebabkan taik hidung die hitam,

sambung pulak,
sarung tangan pompuan pakai,
itu fashion lame,
rubber tapper dah bergaya dulu,
tak cukup pulak,
perebutan parking,
antara student dan lecturer,
serta kemenyerutan manusia di UITM,
umpama ulat taik...

Itulah admin law,wahai member2 sekalian....

Monday, July 14, 2008

good parenting 3

300, PG 13

a rendition of 300...PG 13...lol

ganja mampat

ganja dah siap...
mampat pon dah...
tinggal nak light up je...
di bong c2 303,
apabila di-lightkan,
maka semua pon khayal,
itulah cerita ganja mampat,
di klas admin law,prof ibrahim...hahaha

Friday, July 11, 2008

Hikayat Mak cik mendapat M.c

2 hari yg lepas,ku dan kakakku ke rumah kawan kakakku untuk makan,
kami dijemput oleh kawan kakakku,kak uz,
maka kami ke situ dan makan di rumah kawan kakakku,

wow,mi kari..dan sirap limau...
pergh...mi kari mmg orgasm beb!
campur sirap limau lagi....
2 mangkuk aku telan....mmg jadi mangkuk kejap..

kemudian kawan kakakku pnyer mak datang join skali...
die mule bercerite,adik2 kawan kakakku pon turut join
maka 1 meja pon mule bersembang2,

maka ceritanya,
beberapa tahun dahulu die bekerja,
oleh itu pada suatu hari,
die terase malas ke kerja,
maka die berniat nak ponteng...

die ke hospital,jumpe doktor,kate kaki sakit
so Dr. siap x-ray tuh,
result,Dr. kate normal je.
maka makcik pon berkata,
sakit lagi la,
Dr. pon kate,urat kot...so die bagi la 2 minggu M.c,
siap bandage lagi kaki tu...

Maka makcik pon balik...
balik2 die bukak bandage...mission accomplished..
2 minggu kemudian,die pergi balik,
sebelum jumpe doktor,die pakai balik bandage,haduii....

Dr. tanye, "kaki ok"?
makcik jawab," dah ok sket,tapi sakit lagi"
Dr. kate,ok la, "lagi 2 minggu"

maka makcik pon dapat la M.c lagi 2 minggu...

begitulah hikayat makcik mendapat M.c

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Roti Stim

Pada pagi yang agak mendung, selepas kesengalan kelas dibatalkan,,,
sekumpulan 5 orang yg agak lapar ingin makan....
maka seseorang mencadangkan

"ape kate,kite pegi kopitiam seksyen 9, ade roti stim. Best dowh."

maka tergelaklah rakan-rakannya yang lain....

"roti stim"....hahhahaaha..maka ia terpahat dalam memori rakan-rakanku,.
kerana menyangka roti stim.....

kenapa takut2????

1 hari di alam myspace,aku dapat la new comment

minah 2 tegur, "hi, remember me?"

Aku pon heran la,sape la minah ni....ye la,coz 80% member kt myspace bukannye aku kenal...sume add aku random je..

so,aku jawab la,"i'm afraid not"....

nk tau ape die reply?

"eh,knape nak takut2 ni?"

aku pon...macam....aduiiii.....

ini adalah satu peringatan kepada rakan2 lain...supaya menguasai bahasa inggeris...lol

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

india trip 2

From Sri Lanka to Cochin..we finally arrived...
the story continues....

We arrived in Cochin after 2 hours of flight..It was a nice,medium sized city, tho a lil dusty...

Okay,the accomodation was good,tho my room smells like curry(rempah kaw2)..not cool.....prolly coz atas dapur kot,lol...but still uncool.....

SO after dressing up, kami bertolak ke wedding which was around 200Km away...lol
it took us 3 hours....and believe it or not, along the 200km, all i see was settlements and humans!

Okay..enough about that...

This is how an Indian Muslim's wedding goes.

  • The guests are huddled up in a hall, and yea,it's like watching a concert
  • The Ustaz arrives
  • He sits on the chair at the middle o the stage and gives a sermon
  • At the middle of the stage,basically there;s a table and several chairs
  • Kirenye itu tempat akad nikah
  • So the groom arrives
  • He sits,and also saksi-ed by his father in law, the akad nikah process begins,
  • They shake hand,agree upon everything, he signs the marriage cert. and everything is done.
  • So he hugs his father in law first, and then, the guests of honor gets to hug him too,in a prize giving ceremony way,without calling out names...
  • Done?yep, it's makan2 time...
  • (see Pictures below)
P/s: I was imagining sumthing like hindustan movie stuff,but xde....They don't have the bersanding stuff..a simple wedding it is.

Food time....whew,orgasmic, that's what i can say,,even the best mamak shops cant beat it...
(refer pics below)......kinda stuffed my self in a way...lol

The food...wohoo....feels like heaven....

Cochin City

Government guest house...where we stayed
It's everywhere

not ganges..tho there are many of these things here

they're under communist rule

this is where the wedding was held..weird name huh?

the host, Mr. Bava
my dad's on the left+ the merry men from malaysia

where the wedding took place

waiting for akad nikah

Ustaz giving sermons..aku x paham ape die kate...semua dalam arabic

Agreement being made

Signing agreement

Everything is settled...both parties hugged,and YOU're MARRIED!

Food for the soul.....ow yeah!

And after that....the government guest house was seen again after 200 more kilometres...
everyone slept...perut kenyang katakan...lol

This was what i snapped on the way back...b4 dozing off like hell

That's cochin for now....

To be continued...ciao~


This may be old to some,lol

the guitar seems too big.hahaha

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

taking care of your baby part 2...


I wish i could do this!!!!

pantun melayu.....redefined....

Hujan emas di negeri orang,

Hujan batu di negeri sendiri,


Ape kate kite modenkan....

Kite pergi negeri orang ambik emas....
lepas tu, kite bawak balik,
dan, kita bina tempat shelter, dan selamatkan orang di negara sendiri,
therefore,kita tak terseksa dengan hujan batu tu...