Monday, April 6, 2009

behold sampahness

i was at this restaurant..
and i saw one family..
husband,wife,a kid and their gramps...
one disturbing fact is...
the granpa was smoking while holding his grandchild..that's screwed up...

and MAlaysian politics...dun get me's just a telenovela..
with a bunch of old people in it...
If the hot latina babes are in,,,i'm in ;p

what else...shah alam roads...still full of pimples..hahaha
there aint a budget to buy a T3 oil i guess....

Talking about uitm..heard pak guard went plainclothes...
damn..that's screwed up...
x smpt pakai matrix card kene saman kang....

and speaking of which...streamyx...
with a speedy promotion...
getting the awards and stuff..
still slow...adoi...

and speaking of LRM presentation...
i am scared...
particularly of the laharism we are going to receive..
pasrah je la...ape nak buat...

Moot? don't get me started...
annoyance i say...

and yea...dat's all.


joe said...

totally agree dude. but still as ever, stay chilladoe. (just search the word on urban LOL)

paan said...
