Friday, November 6, 2009

The fudge says whaat???

Exams....3 papers done and i've never felt so down in my life, it's like, waaay different from the previous exams i've took...lack of study...i guess...but i've studied and understood it...luck? maybe...Juris was like aiya....Family...i just hope i'll pass that damn paper...and was ok, considering the mammoth of questions and the ant of a time...

next stop....association law and carriage....which i hope these 2 papers could be a saviour to my 3 disastrous papers....and also the project paper...

It seems that part 5 is very relaxing...but at the same time, when it comes to feels way different....i hope the project paper compensates my pointer...we worked our asses out for it, and if it turns out bad...2012 wouldn't even be sufficient. failures....i'm content with losing for the whole duration of my degree....let's not get it started...i just hope to get thru with my degree...


sollehhuddin muzaid said...

poyo...nanti result ko gak yg meletop...

paan said...

aku serious la....
nmpk gaya mcm cuti ni nk kene stadi family.ahaha....